Internship & Talent Program

System Logistics Spa Fiorano Modenese Italy Other

Company Description

System Logistics è un fornitore globale di soluzioni innovative di intra-logistica e material handling per l’ottimizzazione della supply chain di magazzini, centri di distribuzione e stabilimenti produttivi in tutto il mondo.

Con un focus speciale sull’industria del Food & Beverage e della Grande Distribuzione Organizzata, System Logistics sviluppa soluzioni tailor made di automazione di magazzino e, che comprendono traslo-elevatori, sistemi di movimentazione, software e servizi.

Siamo un partner affidabile di lungo periodo: lavorando fianco a fianco con i nostri clienti, sviluppiamo soluzioni flessibili che rispondono alle necessità di oggi ma in grado di adeguarsi per seguire la crescita e il cambiamento dei bisogni del cliente nel futuro.

System Logistics presenta un fatturato di oltre 344 milioni e un organico di 800 dipendenti, con 9 branches nel mondo.

Siamo parte del Gruppo Krones, leader mondiale per mercato e tecnologie nel settore dell'automazione di processo e packaging per l'industria alimentare e delle bevande.


Offriamo percorsi di Internship e Talent Program ai giovani talenti che iniziano il loro percorso nel mondo del lavoro, per favorire il loro inserimento e rafforzarne le competenze.

Percorsi di Internship, curriculari ed extracurriculari, favoriscono l’incontro tra le esigenze dell’azienda e quelle dei giovani in cerca di opportunità di crescita.

L’inserimento in System Logistics tramite Talent Program supporta lo sviluppo professionale e garantisce l’aggiornamento continuo delle competenze attraverso percorsi di formazione ad hoc e l’affiancamento on the job.


  • Giovani talenti neodiplomati interessati a svolgere un percorso di Talent Program
  • Giovani talenti laureati e/o laureandi interessati a svolgere un percorso di tirocinio curriculare e/o extra-curriculare

Other information


  • Ristorante aziendale
  • Smart working e rimborso spese in caso di tirocinio

Le persone interessate possono inviare la propria candidatura con autorizzazione ai sensi del d.lgs. 196/2003. La ricerca rispetta il d.lgs. 198/2006 ed è aperta a persone di qualsiasi orientamento o espressione di genere, orientamento sessuale, età, etnia e credo religioso. Il presente annuncio è stato ideato nel rispetto della diversity e dell’inclusività.

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Collection and use of information

System Logistics Spa collects information and data that users choose to provide; System Logistics Spa also collects information related to access of users in order to identify, solve problems and improve offered services.

The purpose of the collection and the use of information are those of the autonomous reporting by candidates towards clients and partners of System Logistics Spa, which are interested in searching and recruiting human resources, through the information of curricula vitae and profiles voluntarily entered by the candidates themselves.

The information that users choose to insert on the Portal will be consulted, used and classified by other individuals/ organizations that can have access, as holders of rights guaranteed by the partnership or customer relationship with System Logistics Spa.

System Logistics Spa performs all necessary operations to ensure that the information are placed in a safe and protected environment, trying to restrict access to the database and distributing rights to users with adequate methods, but can not guarantee that unauthorized individuals/ organizations will not have access through an irregular method.

System Logistics Spa, moreover, can not control the ways in which the authorized users catalog and transfer the information downloaded from the database, therefore it is user's responsibility to ensure that sensitive information are not inserted in System Logistics Spa Portal.

Information provided by the Users are used by System Logistics Spa to deliver offered products and services and to develop the Portal; some of our services may include the display of customized contents and advertising messages.

System Logistics Spa may use the user's information to contact him/ her about Portal updates, to conduct surveys and for informative communications (with the possibility for the user to refuse the consent) and related to its services, including updates of the software used.

Communication of collected information

System Logistics Spa may share information provided by users with third parties that support the delivery of its products and the performance of its services towards the users. These third parties may not use these information for purposes other than assistance and support in providing these products and services.

The information gathered can be shared if this is required by law. The information gathered on our web sites are cataloged in whole or in part in Italy and are subject to Italian law.

System Logistics Spa may disclose or transfer information if its business is sold or acquired.

Management of his/ her own information by the user

The user can review, correct or delete its personal information at any time; to perform these operations, user can enter in his/ her private area, click on the Profile and/ or User Settings button and make all necessary changes.

The above information about the users will be deleted, but logs and other user demographic and statistical information could be kept, maintaining an archived copy of these information anonymously.

If the personal information of the users have been consulted by other individuals/ organizations before the revisions and deletions, System Logistics Spa can not perform the deletion of previous information on their systems.i.

Other relevant information and insights

Please consult the full version of the Privacy Statement and the Privacy Policy for more information. Our sites are not suitable for persons aged under 18 years old.


For any further information or details, clarifications and questions about our privacy policy, please contact us by writing an e-mail to [email protected] or through the forms in the contact sections of our web site. It is also possible to write us at the following address: System Logistics Spa, Via Ghiarola Vecchia, 73, 41042, Fiorano Modenese - .

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)